Report Turtle Sightings
Submit Turtle Observations on Kingston Roads
We know that turtles are all over Kingston and that they unfortunately cross roads in may locations throughout the city.
Our goal with this community monitoring program is to get your help to understand more about how often turtles are found on roads, what type of turtles they are, and what they are doing, by having you submit your normal daily encounters. We are interested in where you are seeing turtles, with a focus on 6 specific locations.
We thank you so much for being a turtle warrior!
How to report a sighting
There are two apps you can use to report a sighting, iNaturalist and Adopt-A-Pond (Turtle Tally). Both apps can be download to your phone in order to report sightings (when and where you see turtles). These apps will ask for the location that you saw the turtle for research purposes; however, in any other circumstance you should keep turtle locations private/secret as there are poachers who can use that information, to the detriment of the turtle population.
Report all turtle encounters - living, injured, or dead.
iNaturalist collects information world wide on living organisms, including turtles. It is a joint initiative of the California Academy of Sciences and the National geographic Society.
If you are interested in reporting more species than turtles, we recommend this app. However, it does require an image of the turtle in order to submit an observation.
The Ontario Turtle Tally, part of the Adopt-A-Pond app, is run by the Toronto Zoo. This app can help you submit turtle and frog sightings without the need for an image.
We recommend this app if you are not interested in making other observations and want a more simplified/user friendly experience.