Submit a Turtle Observation:
for Turtles on Roads
We know that turtles are all over Kingston and that they unfortunately cross roads in may locations throughout the city.
Our goal with this community monitoring program is to get your help to understand more about how often turtles are found on roads, what type of turtles they are, and what they are doing, by having you submit your normal daily encounters. We are interested in where you are seeing turtles, with a focus on 6 specific locations.
We thank you so much for being a turtle warrior!
Also, don't forget to submit your turtle sightings to iNaturalist or Adopt-A-Pond - learn more here.
We are specifically interested in data about turtles at these 6 road locations: Front Road (near the train tracks and bridge); Bath Road (at Tanner Drive near Ramekins and the prison); Princess St (at westrbook wetland over collins creek near Collins Bay Road); Road 38 / Gardiners Road (north of 401 at wetland crossing); Road 38 in Murvale (north of Murton Road); Perth Road (north of Unity at wetland crossing).